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Welcome to Cymer 5

Personalised mental health services is available in Anglesey, North Wales, both in person and remotely, with services offered in Welsh and English. 

Our therapeutic interventions can help you manage everyday stressors, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and general worry. We will enable you to work towards healthy, joyful practices and behaviours that will help you to manage life's everyday struggles better.


We provide affordable and accessible mental health and mental well-being support by utilising low-level CBT skills. 

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦
What we do

We provide early interventions for adults and children to empower individuals to take control of their mental wellbeing and mental health.

Where we are

We are based in Anglesey, North Wales offering mental health support to the local community in person and online.

How we do it

We provide a non-judgemental, safe space and the highest level of support throughout all our therapeutic interventions. 

Who we are

Cymer 5 is first of its kind to offer nurse led therapeutic interventions delivered by highly experienced therapists.

'There is always hope, even if your brain tells you there isn't' 

Start your journey towards taking control of your mental heath today
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